2024 Three Sevens Update
This year was definitely a rainy one! Three Sevens Lavender now has 8 cultivars planted. 2024 marked our second year of growing. We currently curate products made with essential oils from outside producers and are hopeful that we will begin to utilize our farm grown oils in our products in 2025.
Three Sevens Business Ventures
All great things begin with an idea! In the winter of 2023 we began learning about the benefits that Lavender offers. After reading and learning as much as we could about the Lavender agricultural business we decided to order our first plants. We will began our planting journey in the Spring of 2023. Our goal is to start small, and learn as we go, while enjoying the journey. We currently have 8 cultivars planted. Our plants are growing well and we plan to begin distillation of Three Sevens Lavender oils in 2025. Currently our products are created using carefully sourced essential oils to deliver a high quality experience.
To build our brand we are committed to sourcing high quality lavender oils and products. We believe in the calming, relaxing benefits of Lavender and want to share this experience with others.